New here?

Welcome to your new Parish family! We hope you will enjoy joining us and we invite you to be an active part of our community. We would like to meet you and make you feel welcome in the Parish, so please introduce yourselves to our Parish Priest or any of the Clergy. On this website, you’ll find all the information you need about our Parish and all the churches that comprise the Catholic Parish of Our Lady and All Saints in Mansfield, including Mass times and church locations.

You can complete a Parish registration form online or pick one up in person from our Parish Office, and we would greatly appreciate you taking the time to do so. Please do put a note in the ‘any relevant information’ box letting us know you’re new to the Parish. If you are interested in joining, helping out or just wanting to know more about our Parish groups please call the Parish Office.

We wish you every blessing and look forward to meeting you.